
Gmaps api
Gmaps api

Since June 2018, we set up a valid billing account via Google Cloud platform Console in order to use Google MAP API. centre, zoom, etc), we must create an initialized script. The next steps are to define a div element named “map” as well as defining the CSS rule for this map by setting the dimensions. The starter code of the map is very simple: we need a map API js script calling which contains your individual API KEY in the head of HTML. The extra feature of this task was to use individual icons and labels for marker points. You can create a Google Map integration quickly and easily by using the Google Map developer documentation as well as countless other tutorials. We’d like to help those whom want to use similar solution. But those suggestions weren’t quite detailed and well-documentated than this blogpost wants to be. Although the Google Map developer documentation is very useful we had to read many forums and other blogs where we found the desired solution. Unfortunately we didn’t find detailed and proper documentation to achieve our goal. The goal of this blogpost was to present the evolution of a task like we described above. We used Google Maps API to create an image in document. It was clear that we had to provide a dynamic solution.

gmaps api

During data collection, we were unsure as to which datasets would be included in the finalized work. As will be seen on the map, there will be marked places that represent where the company performed surveys. One of our clients required an image of a map for print.

Gmaps api